Yup, ain't no escape from this funny farm!
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Resurrecting the Farm and Ranch
Southern Mom you are part of this family now, no matter where you go. God has something in mind for you. This is a setback, but look at all you have learned and experienced. That is something they can never take away from you! Love, thoughts and prayers for you and your family as you begin this new journey.Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
George, it's a nice thought, but remember, it's to make sure poor ol' granny doesn't have to lift a finger to take care of someone else's project.
Is it ok to hope auntie falls down some stairs and has only an ol' grandma who's mind isn't stable to help her all day, every day?quam minimum credula postero
Shoot, if you end up close enough to Vincent, you could have the fun of quietly arriving or being dropped off when you wouldn't be noticed, and house sitting with game cams all feeding to a computer and comfy chair. Read, switch feeds, see who goes around, note license plates of any car that drives by, sprinkle itch powder in Vincent's drawers (unless JTJT does it so often he doesn't notice any more.)
Then call 911 in a breathless panic if there's any trouble, and be the southern damsel in distress.Last edited by W.Lynn; 06-02-2014, 05:28 PM. Reason: Southern women get away with shooting first, because then they sit down and cry.quam minimum credula postero
SM I'm glad to hear someone a coming to get the animals. I wish we could have done it. Sorry. Your hens will be here to get when ever you decide you want then back. Jt really enjoyed meeting you and is looking forward to getting together soonWhats's that smell? Is that me???
SM....while it is hard to see it now, I believe that everything that happens to us happens for a reason. It is just difficult at the time bad stuff happens to believe that something good can come of it. God has a plan for you and whatever it is, you needed to learn something from this or better position you and your family for a more successful future. My prayers are with you and your family and that while your family has been rotten to you, you can either forgive them and forget, or at least move on and not let this consume you with anger or sadness. Keep your chin up and just look forward and put all your energy into making a new life for you and your family. This time round should be a heck of a lot easier. And like everyone else has said, this is a family you can count on and put your trust in never to let you down! I wish I lived closer to help out with your animals.NICHEVO
SouthernMom, please think on what George said. No sense in letting others eat up all of your hard work.
Like Lynn said, you don't want poor old granny or mean old hag aunt to have to slave in the garden to take care of all of your good veggies that you lovingly placed in the ground. Give them a break and kill off any plants that they may have to take care of. Wouldn't want their traitor hands to get dirty.I'm a ding bat & AA groupie
Originally posted by Gena.KY View PostSouthernMom, please think on what George said. No sense in letting others eat up all of your hard work.
Like Lynn said, you don't want poor old granny or mean old hag aunt to have to slave in the garden to take care of all of your good veggies that you lovingly placed in the ground. Give them a break and kill off any plants that they may have to take care of. Wouldn't want their traitor hands to get dirty.nobody is getting my peas and okra.
Daughter of a Ghost Town.
Ok so Tex gave me the word that I'm not allowed to let this thread go so I thought I would post a few pictures of the back yard with some of my plans.
20140619_195955.jpgDaughter of a Ghost Town.
Ok so that is part of the backyard. There are kumquat trees, several citrus (look like parson browns and navels) and a lot of sunny area where this fall I will put in several raised beds for greens and onions, cabbage, broccoli, etc.I might even be able to get away with a few late peppers or tomatoes.
I was pretty thrilled to find about 8 extra long, heavy corner posts in a pile of old 'junk' along with some really nice old terracotta pots. So of course I have my herbs (cilantro, oregano, thyme, two kinds of aloe, mint) in some of those pots and I will use the posts to make a couple long beds. Of course once I get outside and start working I know the place will tell me what it wants (yep, them disembodied voices).
I also found out that the empty property next to us may actually be part of this place-and if THAT is the case I will definitely be busting out a tiller and growing some vegetables. So yeah, even though I'm not working largescale I will be getting back in the swing of things-like I could ever quit.
I will keep everyone posted!Daughter of a Ghost Town.