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Resurrecting the Farm and Ranch

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  • I've managed to evade the SCA too, some of them are damned cult-like!
    quam minimum credula postero


    • True that. I was gonna characterise them as "sometimes odd" but pot. kettle. black. Cult-like is more appropriate for *some* of them.
      "“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine


      • Great idea with the lettuce, but Garden Gnomes creep me out.

        Originally posted by JulieNY View Post

        You can also use the extras to make some raised beds. I am going to use my extras for lettuce and spinach because lettuce is so difficult to grow in the soil here, I can mix the soil before I put it into the pallet.


        • The SCA gets some darn fine stories though. Once spotted something amiss in a bit of chainmail and asked to take a closer look. They had been full-on court formal for a wedding in Chicago, two of them step out into an alley for a smoke during that little break between ceremony and reception while the happy couple is with the photographer.

          Hilarity ensues when the local thugs decide the looneys in the costumes might be ripe for the picking, so some idiot pulls a knife and several of them approach. For those who don't grok the SCA, they wear very real, high quality, effective chain mail, plate, whatever. Their weapons are impressive, and also the real thing.

          Chain mail guy laughs at thug, steps into the knife, breaking the tip off in the mail, and draws his sword, covering two. His friend also draws a sword, and takes off after the 3rd one, yelling "For God and King Richard!"

          By the time LEOs show up, three very sad thugs, bound and sitting in a dirty, mucky, Chicago alley, are confessing to everything than can think of, and begging to be arrested and gotten away from those kooks.

          He left the tip in the chain mail like "captured jewel" style adornment.
          quam minimum credula postero


          • W. Lynn I LOVE this story! I just told 2 of my kids and it cemented my 15 yo desire to be in the SCA. Guess I will be looking into the Brooksville bunch.
            Daughter of a Ghost Town.


            • Well I'm getting a really good deal on some blueberry bushes. The elder of the family farm down the road (he went to school with my Pop and I visit a couple times a week to get some produce and talk with him for a few minutes) told me today that he has 25 berry bushes set back for me and he's selling them to me for $2 a piece. They are Spring Highbush, are a couple years old and produce really well-I put in 12 I bought from him this spring and they did fine. So I'm going to buy the other 25 and start my own little berry patch.

              Thing that I'm wondering is if I can move the 12 I already planted to the better location I have in mind for the 25 I'm getting on Friday. I would rather have one big patch. Anyway, thought I would share.
              Daughter of a Ghost Town.


              • I am professional blueberry bush killer, if you would like to know what not to do just ask me. Sounds fantastic tho!!


                • Not an expert on blueberries, but have transplanted a lot of other things successfully by making sure I had an extra large root ball.

                  So when is the blueberry jam coming!
                  Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
                  Dietrich Bonhoeffer


                  • Southernmom, are you planting more than one variety?

                    I planted two of the Northland blueberry bushes this past spring and then read that I would need two different varieties if I wanted a really good crop of berries. Of course, when I went to get two more, it was too late in the year and no one was selling them. Did I mention that I'm always late to the party?


                    • I'm planting southern highbush and regular spring highbush. I have a couple smaller varieties, too that I can't remember the name of...But I do love these varieties, they make nice berries!
                      I'm either too early or too late to the party, too-seldom on time, haha!
                      Daughter of a Ghost Town.


                      • Just a small bit of todays haul from the garden:10294312_10202763544662392_3613533584184503387_n.jpg

                        and one of two mama cats nursing both litters. The mama cats trade off and 'babysit' while the other one goes outside. They let both litters nurse and they clean's adorable. There's a few manx and bobbin tails in the mix.

                        Daughter of a Ghost Town.


                        • Are any of the calicos Manx?

                          = 2

                          If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


                          • How old are they? We are in need of a new male Manx. Do you have any of those and what colors are they? Maybe I could talk Vincent into bringing one with him if they are old enough. We had our tom cut and are needing a new one. The last litter by our male is growing quick and will be ready to go in a couple weeks.

                            = 2

                            If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


                            • The calicos are tailed cats, but we have a grey manx and a tabby manx-will see if they are boys or girls and let you know. Would love to send you one.(or more)
                              Daughter of a Ghost Town.


                              • OMG! Do you know how funny that would be to see Vincent walking through Denver airport with a kitten.
                                Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
                                Dietrich Bonhoeffer

