Most of us here keep at least a reasonable minimum of the basics around, beans, bullets, & bandages, maybe some other goodies. We might also have specialty training to go with some of it.

Now, I'm the family/group medic. Not just because I'm the mom and grandma, which is often how it sorts out anyway, but also because I shelled out a serious investment in personal time and expensive training for an EMT-basic rating a long time ago. Then I started getting that gear together. I tend to jealously regard those supplies (and my free time) as "mine" and resent any suggestion that anyone put off seeing a doctor because these goods, and access to me, are available.

I don't have a magic wand that makes everything better, and I don't have legal authority to prescribe anything. As willing as I am to hand someone an alcohol swab and a sterile lancet, no, I will not employ it for them.

One of the great things about getting your prep on in a serious way, where medical care is concerned, is that you really do get to tell people to go see a doctor.

And sometimes the doctor tells people to go home and change the dressings often.

Get more gauze. Then get more, and maybe even more. I am seriously considering the possibility of filling buckets or a 55 gallon drum with just gauze. And tape.