In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, with corporate farms, and Roundup to destroy things.

Hmm, no, that doesn't sound right, must be something else.

Wait, maybe the garden story is better in a LOT of ways. A man and woman living in the midst of a wonderful garden would certainly eat some of the healthiest things I can imagine. They would eat things at the peak of ripeness, when the scent would be enough to make your mouth water. Take a little here, and a little there, as the hunger came upon them. They might bury leftovers, so the remainder would feed any sprouting seed that made it to daylight. The next vine, ”weed," tree, mushroom, etc, would be there when they were ready for it.

When's the last time I ate something that wasn't retail? I'm not sure, but it was in my yard, with tiny purple flowers. I have decided I need more foraging & mushrooming guide books, and washed my mesh bag - to which, I can add a few dampened linen bags (linen absorbs a lot more water than cotton, so the greens I take won't be limp before I want them.)

And the prickly pear fruit are almost perfectly ripe.