I turned on "Soylent Green" tonight, it's based on the book "Make Room, Make Room." (A digital purchase to watch immediately, but not quite as real as the browsing in Logan's Run.)

Food riots and accusations of hording, insane food prices, unending homelessness, severe unemployment, illiteracy, crowds with medical masks hoping to ward off contagion, hats, wraps, or simple kerchiefs on the head so fleas and other things have a chance of bouncing off instead setting up shop. The privileged are amazingly privileged, and those who aren't are nothing.

And that's just the setting. I won't give the story away, there's always someone who hasn't seen it.

It's a movie, like some others I mention occasionally, that stuck in my head since I first saw it. The message is much the same as we learn from any good apocalyptic or post apocalyptic literature or movie now - be an aware and thinking person, with the determination and drive to do what you can for yourself and your family, or stick your head in the stanchions and keep munching whatever is being fed by whomever is doing the feeding, with the rest of the herd.

And herds don't like strong individuals, they're scary and confusing. The herders like them even less.

In the opening scenes, a bit of text informs you that it's 2022. But there's so much we might see today, have been seeing, for decades in many places.

Granted, tourism boards will point you to the resorts, the fun places, shiny and full of happy, young faces, good food, and happy music.

But anyone who has a smaller travel budget than the piles of tax dollars inappropriately used by government persons and their families (because the global sight-seeing and multi million dollar golf trips accomplish SO much) will tell you - there are towns and districts where outsiders don't go. There are places where people with unknown faces are noticed immediately, their actions are watched, lest anything be said amiss in the far off places that travelers come from.

So all that stuff I mentioned up above? Coming soon enough, except what's already here.