Things we all enjoy, making a bad joke, eating things we shouldn't, and "corrupting" the young.

Yeah, I like planting ideas in the heads of other people's kids.

I consider it something of a public service.

Gave a young man a bumper sticker once that said "Question Authority (Don't ask why, just do it!)"

Wore a pin of philosophical brain-twistings to girl scout day camp. It's shaped like a little hand mirror, at first glance, the girls all asked "why is your pin a cracked mirror?" I asked them, "Why do you think it's cracked?" The usual response was "There are jagged lines. " The twist came when I asked, "what if it's fine, and just reflecting the cracks in reality?"

I let kids sample my odd/regional/imported/spicy foods even when I know it's something their parents don't like.

It's fun, you might get to stick a sister in law who hates vegetables with occasionally cooking an artichoke for her 3 year old, or someone's herd of 2-10 year old kids might think you're the coolest grownup in the family because you make cajun-spice boiled peanuts regularly.

Today was my regularly scheduled morning with the kindergarten class. They know I will answer just about anything, and that I do things that many of their parents will pay other people to do for them. I like them to know that they can learn to do almost anything. I watered that seed a little, and told about the cheese I made.

Even the teacher said that sounded like something interesting and she might give it a try