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  • #31
    I know its late for some of you on here. But here in good old western PA we just had a big frost on Monday. I like to put my garden in on Memorial day weekend and will. But I cant remember when it hasn't frosted in the first or second week of June. My wife so many times has planted her flowers memorial day and they froze a couple days after. But its a gamble and plants are going in the dirt no matter what. My next problem will be that it wont rain while we are gone and the neighbor feeding my dogs forgets to water. My onions have been in but the banana peppers (sweet & red hot) green peppers ,cucumbers and tomato's are waiting patiently in the shed. I don't grow much garden anymore. But hope to grow bigger ones again someday when we both have time to mess with it. That reminds me of a joke.


    • #32
      The only things I planted that you didn't was cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, strawberries (okay, I didn't plant these...they are third year berries), and lemon squash. Oh yes...and both white and yellow onions. I also planted some white tomatoes, but I don't think anyone is going to like them. They are supposed to be low acid tomatoes.

      I did not plant radishes, spaghetti or summer squash, or sugar snap peas because I already have a ton of them in the freezer.

      Your garden is looking good, Julie!


      • #33
        We planted:
        Red, yellow & white onions
        sweet potatoes
        yellow summer squash
        buttercup & butternut winter squash
        jalapeno & bell peppers
        green beans
        rhubarb & asparagus (already there)
        cucumbers, celery
        basil, oregano, cilantro & chives
        tomatoes & 1 cherry tomato
        elderberry & comfrey to ship next week
        peppermint is going in tonight as soon as I get the bed put together

        I think that's it. My daughter takes gardening in 4-H. She keeps the list of all the varieties for her fair entries.


        • #34
          An interesting thing about celery - a lot of you probably already know.

          When you buy celery at the store, but off the end and put it in a bowl of water on the counter. In about 2-3 days you will see it growing a new celery plant right in the middle. After about a month (or so) it will be 4-6 in tall. Pot it (winter) or put it out in the garden. I started 1 about 2 mos ago. It is a little bigger than the ones we bought to plant. It goes out in the garden tonight.

          I just think it's really cool that it grows a whole new plant. My daughter really impressed the judge at the fair last year. He didn't know.


          • #35
            Betty, I am glad you brought that up about the celery. I came across this the other day.

            (16 foods that will regrow) My friends does the green onions and she says it works great.

            My little garden consists of:

            Tomatoes (reg and heirloom)
            Red and green bell peppers
            Yellow squash

            My neighbor and I worked out a little "sharing" program. He has the green beans and beets.
            Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
            Dietrich Bonhoeffer


            • #36
              We are so far behind, I'm beginning to think we're ahead. A garden is looking iffy this year. We got it tilled under once and we have a boatload of onions that have reseeded from leftovers from previous years. We are still holding out hope though that we will get it in. If not, I won't worry too much because we can just trade for stuff.

              = 2

              If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


              • #37
                Shit Tex you will have all kinds of free labor in about 2weeks. Put those suckers to work!


                • #38
                  ^^That's what I was thinking. Get it tilled & seeds ready!


                  • #39
                    Want to test your soil pH? You can do it without a special kit! Follow this guide to find out about the most common and efficient DIY methods.

                    Here's an article on how to test your soil ph (DIY) -- no I haven't tried it yet.


                    • #40
                      We have:
                      black eyed peas
                      pink eye purplehull
                      green beans
                      florida speckled butterbeans
                      green limas
                      sweet potatoes
                      potatoes (about gone)
                      hot peppers (jalapeno, banana, grove pepper bush)
                      bell peppers
                      yellow squash
                      onions that still need to be pulled
                      I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
                      Daughter of a Ghost Town.


                      • #41
                        We could each show up with some seeds or starts, not tell him what, and plant them in zig-zaggy rows, and odd-shaped groups, and see what happens. ("Oh that? My friends did that." "Uh huh, trapezoids, pentagons, wtf is that?" "...8, 9, 10, 11, 12 sides, dodecahedron, don't ask.")
                        quam minimum credula postero


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by W.Lynn View Post
                          We could each show up with some seeds or starts, not tell him what, and plant them in zig-zaggy rows, and odd-shaped groups, and see what happens. ("Oh that? My friends did that." "Uh huh, trapezoids, pentagons, wtf is that?" "...8, 9, 10, 11, 12 sides, dodecahedron, don't ask.")

                          Yes! Let's do that!

                          We could even plant some cucumbers & watermelon, squash & pumpkins next to each other so they will have some interesting crosses.


                          • #43
                            Or do it in the shape of the brand so people flying over would think its crop circles!


                            • #44
                              Y'all are dorks. LOL. I still claim ya though. We bought a bunch of different peppers the other day and I think she is going to try and get them in today. We plant our peppers in a long strip garden we have in the back by the fence to keep away from the regular garden. The regular garden is getting some sand today.

                              = 2

                              If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tex View Post
                                Y'all are dorks. LOL. I still claim ya though. We bought a bunch of different peppers the other day and I think she is going to try and get them in today. We plant our peppers in a long strip garden we have in the back by the fence to keep away from the regular garden. The regular garden is getting some sand today.

                                Dorks or not...We're coming! Be nice or we'll bring SEEDS! hahaha

