Southernmom I feel your pain... its called the sandwich generation. My Dad sounds like your Mom only he's always buying stuff online since he can't get out and refuses to part with anything. It would be funny to put them together and watch the fur fly! The dementia makes him like a petulant kid. Hang in there, everyday is a new adventure.
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Resurrecting the Farm and Ranch
Here's a few rainy day photos for ya'll...20140207_133913.jpg
mamaandlamb.jpg mama and latest lamb
a few roosters.jpg a few of our obnoxious roostersDaughter of a Ghost Town.
Here's a pic of my husband and two of our boys in the woods at Thanksgiving-this isn't far at all from our home and a beautiful hammock.1452341_10201673125242588_2092417276_n.jpg
A cute pic of Henry the lamb laying across his mama '1619307_582144555198640_1722748614_n.jpgllama mama'
I may have posted this one before-this is our 'hopping cow' she hops and jumps and will mow you down if you ain't looking. She's hilarious!
1377505_10201290701722239_1629936453_n.jpgDaughter of a Ghost Town.
I tried to get a video of her last time she was playing but that time she was chasing my oldest son as he went out to grab some hay so I wasn't thinking.She's really funny, though.
I will post some more cow pictures soonJust got to catch them as they come to water.
Daughter of a Ghost Town.
Thanks for the pictures Souuthernmom. Sure enjoyed them. Didn't realize how much I missed seeing "green" things like grass and trees. Love the baby pics!Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Now I have cow pictures!!! Had to drive out and check on them anyway, they've been hanging out in the back pasture a lot so I took some pictures.
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and here's Buddy Bull-the mighty. 20140208_100355.jpgDaughter of a Ghost Town.
That is exactly the type of cattle I grew up around. Whenever we had a bull that was just absolutely too mean to handle we would call a rodeo stock contractor and let them take him and see if he would buck. That is where rodeo bucking stock used to come from before people started specifically breeding bucking bulls.
Southernmom, I will say again what I said in my email the other day. When you get rid of that bull, I would seriously look at an Angus or something similar and black. If it were me though, I would stick with an Angus. Crossing him on your cattle that you have would drastically start improving your calf crop and would put quite a bit more money in your pocket when it comes time to ship calves. That old style of cattle served their purpose back in the day and they were a hell of a lot of fun when it came working time, but the improvements that have been made in the beef industry recently will mean alot more money for those willing to adapt. As little profit as there is, every little bit helps.
I enjoy your pics and really like the looks of your cattle. I wish I could have met your granddad. He would have had stories to keep me entertained for days. Those old-timers had it alot rougher than us youngsters and they were some tough damn people. Doing what they did, they had to be tough. They didn't have four-wheelers or extra help. Whatever got done was completely up to them. You are very fortunate tohave had the opportunity to go back the the family ranch and start working it.
Tex= 2
If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?
The weather has been so nice the last couple days-81 here yesterday. I got some tomatoes, hot peppers and cucumbers started. I am having to stop myself from planting my peas and okra, etc. cause I know there will be another cold snap or two and I don't want to jump too soon. I do have my red and white potatoes in the ground and may plant some more. You can never have too many potatoes!
Yesterday we picked up two (free!) puppies-they are border collie/lab mix and are great little nutty mutts! Here they are: Rascal and Roscoe:
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And I'm gonna go ahead and tell on myself-the kids saw the two milk calves and they people came down on the price so I caved. I still plan on getting an older Jersey already in milk in April, so I will have three milkers in 2 years. I figure I will have a budding dairy, haha!
Here's the girls, Charlie and Red:
20140219_094427.jpg 20140214_112423.jpgDaughter of a Ghost Town.
...and when I went outside to feed up this morning I found out our Katahdin mama sheep had a little lamb!
20140219_094730.jpgDaughter of a Ghost Town.
Yea I'm Jealous. We wont see 80 here for quite a few months. I can tell you this if you have 3 cows to milk out by hand in the future you will have plenty to do and damn strong hands. Other than onions we cant start a garden here till last week of May. And even then I have had lost a lot of plants to frost.
SM, looks like things are coming long nicely at your place. Thanks for sharing the pics of the new additions.Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer