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Hello from Central IL!

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  • W.Lynn
    Welcome. Please keep hands and other extremities inside the bus at all times, and please don't chew on the walls, we just had them re-upholstered.

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  • Patriotmuso
    Welcome to the world that is A. American.....

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  • DMH
    Welcome Maj from your neighboring state of Missouri. Congrats on the new kiddo to the family!

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  • AD
    Welcome Maj. Hopefully santa will bring book 2 & 3. How did you learn about Going Home?

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  • angeryamerican
    Welcome aboard Maj, I hope you enjoy the book. If you're retired Guard you'll really the 4th and 5th books.

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  • Tex
    Welcome to the board, Maj. Quite a few of us have been with AA since he first started writing Going Home. Once you get into book one you will get your eyes opened a ittle bit more. Our board is smaler than most, but I would put the quaity of our board against any of the others. Look around and check out all the different sections. We have alot of knowledge and experience represented here and our main goal is to help each other to get better prepared. Should you have any questions please feel free to ask.

    Congratulations on the adoption. My grandparents adopted me and I think God has a special place in Heaven for those who open up their hearts and homes to another child.

    I hope you enjoy yourself here. Don't forget, we have a chatroom too. Stop in for a visit.


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  • majtnkr
    started a topic Hello from Central IL!

    Hello from Central IL!

    Hey all! Just bought myself an early Christmas present - Going Home - while fam was at B&N the other night! Am excited to get into it as I am retired Army Guard, combat vet, and am very concerned with the direction society is headed. Formerly working in the social service field I am now working for a major manufacturer in the area. Married 20+yrs, 3 kids and adopting another on Tues! GOD is good!! I am looking forward to the camaraderie and opportunities to learn here. And a big Thank You to angryamerican for speaking with "our" voice!