Had a laugh at a friend recently, didn't think much of it at the time, but every time the thought revisits my mind, the same thing happens. My list grows.

Now, for starters, I am not, nor ever have been, active duty. But let's just say I "was raised right." To me, if I can touch something, lift it, sharpen it, or throw you against it, then you get the idea of how to use it if I need to protect myself has already occurred to me. I still enjoy flowers, cheesecake, and a glass of wine, I'm just not ignoring the potential uses of the plate, wine bottle, chair, table, broken off leg of the table, etc. No matter how I think, those items are not weapons. All those things are just tools. A tool is just a means to accomplish something.

I am the weapon.

Why this train of thought? Because that friend lamented having a nurse that "needed shivved" and nothing but a spork to do the job. I laughed, and thought of ways (wayS, not A way, but multiple,) to use said spork.

Then I thought of other things I've had available every time I've been hospitalized.

Cord of call-button, IV stand or pieces of, IV tube, dinner tray, bed pan, clip board or pen, sheet, strips of sheets, blanket, phone, phone cord, door frame, control rod from window panels, removable window pane - blind, bludgeon, stab, trip, toss, and disorient. Heck, there's enough Scottish in me, I might just run at someone with empty hands, hair wild, wearing naught but blue paint, that'd scare a lot of people!

Of course, if you're just trying to leave, don't WARN them by trying to shiv a nurse.