Because cancer rates, asthma & allergy rates appear to be on the rise, I researched how I can clean without commercial chemical products. I've been using these homemade items for awhile & I can honestly tell you that I can finally clean without having to grab a rescue inhaler when I'm done. Try these & see what you think:
(If you have the time, you can make your own soap, but I personally use Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap, Kirk's castile soap or a natural over the counter dish detergent) I believe in these cleaning methods so much that I have them posted on my refrigerator.

: Mix 1 teaspoon olive oil & 1/2 cup strained lemon juice (or other citric fruit juice if not available). This ratio is only enough for dusting one room. Triple or quadruple the ratios if you're dusting more rooms.
Mopping: a little natural Dish soap & hot water
Disinfecting: Use a 1/2 & 1/2 ratio: Spray 1/2 Peroxide 3% & 1/2 White vinegar (Store these in dark separate bottles until use) Spray each, leave on a few minutes, then wipe off. This is a bleach alternative.
Heavy Soiling: Sprinkle baking soda & scrub with hot dish soap, Cut a grape fruit in 1/2 & scrub directly on soiled tubs etc., Remove shower head & place in a bowl of white vinegar
Laundry: Place Soap Nuts in a mesh bag & throw in the washing machine with your laundry. Reuse til the nuts lose their smell & potency
Glass/window/mirrors: White vinegar & a little hot water
Flies: Apple Cider Vinegar in a jar with plastic wrap over top, small hole in plastic wrap. Spray White Vinegar in garbage bins often & use small garbage bins indoors
This is what I've found to also be useful for asthma/allergies & for much easier cleaning:
No wall-wall carpet (small washable throw rugs are better), Non-cloth lamp shades. No cloth furniture (leather/vinyl is better). No blinds (light washable drapes or shades are better), Enclosed book cases, Knick knacks in a display case, Use a "hotel" brand shower curtain (machine washable & long lasting), Dust mite covers on beds & pillows, Declutter frequently.
Battery operated toys- Scrub after spraying the natural disinfectant solution. NON-battery operated toys: Place toys all in a net, in the tub with hot dish soap. Agitate & rinse with shower. Hang in shower to dry. Can spray natural disinfectant too. Stuffed animals in the washing machine. Silk flowers- hold under fast running hot water & hang to dry or place in a pillow case with other delicates & toss in gentle cycle.

Make sure you read these links re: the bleach alternative. Don't store together in the same bottle!

Soap nuts are all natural, they last a long time & you can easily find them online:

FYI- This is what these problematic dust mites look like:

After working in different hospitals, I worked in an allergist's office. This picture is very much like the one we had displayed in the office, depicting what an allergy-safe bedroom should look like:

This picture sums it up pretty well. *** Controlling the humidity & using HEPA filters are also very important***

We always told patients that the most important room in the house to control is the bedroom because that's where you spend a lot of time lying down flat in bed. So, it's useful to have a hygrometer-see link below.

Again, allergy testing is helpful, but personally, I would not take the allergy shots. Instead, I would focus on eliminating the allergens like dust mites etc. & use the anti-inflammatory herbs etc. that I had in another post- (at your own risk of course)- Educate yourself or see an herbalist.

I hope a lot of people try the above so they can breathe easier, safer & eliminate a lot of chemicals in their home. Take care. RS