Looking for a good light to use and carry. I currently have several TerraLux lights (know a guy who used to work for them) and have been really happy with their size and performance, but have found the controls to be lacking for how I normally use a flashlight. I'm sure there's more proper nomenclature for this, but it's basically underhanded vs overhanded. Underhanded would be hand at your side, with the light facing forward, thumb wrapped around the collar of the light. Over handed would be elbow bent with the hand in front of you, thumb on the end of the flashlight. All the flashlights I have operate in the overhanded position, but there's no side button to control it underhanded.
Most of the time when I am using a flashlight I am walking my dogs, and I keep the leash in the same hand as the light. With my current lights I can't control the light without changing my grip so I'd like something with a side control. There's a ton of flashlights on Amazon and the like, but would like some recommendations from you all as to what you've used with a side switch. The Fenix PD35 Tactical Edition looks good, but is about twice what I paid for my TerraLux. It does look like an all around better light though, but it doesn't use AA's which I like.
Most of the time when I am using a flashlight I am walking my dogs, and I keep the leash in the same hand as the light. With my current lights I can't control the light without changing my grip so I'd like something with a side control. There's a ton of flashlights on Amazon and the like, but would like some recommendations from you all as to what you've used with a side switch. The Fenix PD35 Tactical Edition looks good, but is about twice what I paid for my TerraLux. It does look like an all around better light though, but it doesn't use AA's which I like.