Grrrrrrr. This may prevent me from finally getting my backyard flock of layers this year.
Early this morning, the local paper had a story regarding the creation of quarantine zones in SE KS by the state Dept of Ag in an effort to prevent the spread of H5N2 Avian flu from a confirmed case in a bordering MO town.
Unfortunately, they just posted an additional story of a confirmed case in NE KS (almost 150 miles NNW) in a backyard flock consisting of chickens and ducks.
Gee, guess it's pretty hard to quarantine an outbreak when the main carriers are WILD birds.
But yes, I do understand the need for biosecurity measures.
Early this morning, the local paper had a story regarding the creation of quarantine zones in SE KS by the state Dept of Ag in an effort to prevent the spread of H5N2 Avian flu from a confirmed case in a bordering MO town.
Unfortunately, they just posted an additional story of a confirmed case in NE KS (almost 150 miles NNW) in a backyard flock consisting of chickens and ducks.
Gee, guess it's pretty hard to quarantine an outbreak when the main carriers are WILD birds.
