I sent several hours in the yard yesterday with my animals.
#1)the pig is huge and needs to go to butcher but he only take in animals monday thru friday and i work all week.- i'm still trying to figure out that one.
#2)i cleaned the yard- its amazing how stuff you set aside just builds up.
#3) i did some repairs to the chicken pen/lock down- ive never had any intruders, but time and weather have taken their toll and provided some entry points. Thats all fixed now.
#4)i moved some bunnies around, and moved the males clear to the other side of the yard. With the females in new/different cages i had one of the two females immediatly begin pulling hair. Already had a little nest this morning.--- wish me luck
#5)found one of my hens sitting on a nest of 8 eggs. She is one of the piar that went broody a few months ago. When she and her sister hatched out the chicks, the other sister took over raising the babies. Apparently shge has decided its her tunr now.
#6)what little egg production i had going on(3-4 per day, has all but ceased. 1 egg in the past 2 days. Hoping for more today, but not likely since the cold spell hit this week.
#7 decided i need to build a larger enclosed area for the chickens, so i need to be on the look out for more materials to recycle, reuse, and repurpose for covered/enclosed pen building. Then i will move the current one. Or perhaps get 1 or 2 turkeys again next year. They always do great until i let them out into the yard.
#1)the pig is huge and needs to go to butcher but he only take in animals monday thru friday and i work all week.- i'm still trying to figure out that one.
#2)i cleaned the yard- its amazing how stuff you set aside just builds up.
#3) i did some repairs to the chicken pen/lock down- ive never had any intruders, but time and weather have taken their toll and provided some entry points. Thats all fixed now.
#4)i moved some bunnies around, and moved the males clear to the other side of the yard. With the females in new/different cages i had one of the two females immediatly begin pulling hair. Already had a little nest this morning.--- wish me luck
#5)found one of my hens sitting on a nest of 8 eggs. She is one of the piar that went broody a few months ago. When she and her sister hatched out the chicks, the other sister took over raising the babies. Apparently shge has decided its her tunr now.
#6)what little egg production i had going on(3-4 per day, has all but ceased. 1 egg in the past 2 days. Hoping for more today, but not likely since the cold spell hit this week.
#7 decided i need to build a larger enclosed area for the chickens, so i need to be on the look out for more materials to recycle, reuse, and repurpose for covered/enclosed pen building. Then i will move the current one. Or perhaps get 1 or 2 turkeys again next year. They always do great until i let them out into the yard.