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Death Valley
Here are the screen door inserts on the chicken coop. One is attached with hooks and eye screws, the other is held in place with a child's rake. You could always put eye screws in your coop and secure the door in place with bungee cords.
Large Screen Door.jpgSmall Screen Door.jpgNICHEVO
Here are some pics of our new chickens. They are between 3 and 4 months old.
Banty chicken that unfortunately ended up being a rooster....I was hoping it was going to be a hen. Still not decided whether he lives or not. He has VERY feathered legs and feet. Cool looking bird. The picture doesn't do him justice.
More Banty pictures. We have 3 banties in total. The 2 bigger chickens are Rhode Island Reds. They are all the same age, about 4 months.
Size doesn't matter.
Chicken Fight.jpg
Cats...they swear they just want to "play"
Chickens and Cats.jpgNICHEVO
Not sure why this didn't occur to me the first time I looked at the photo with your bird netting - but you may want to go ahead and dig up the relevant phone numbers you'll want to call if some protected predator goes after some chicken dinner, and ends up tangled like a dolphin in a tuna net.
While you aren't doing anything wrong in having the net strung up, hungry birds just trying get a meal aren't doing anything wrong either.quam minimum credula postero
Had a hawk or something play with me one afternoon. I pulled out of my neighborhood on my bike, going east on 29, guess they were done eating ... something. Took off and stayed by me for a while, if I carried my bo staff I could've just reached his wing-tip.
(That's a painful exercise by the way, hold staff by the bottom handful, pointing up, arm fully extended to front or side. Lower staff to horizontal - making a line with the arm, and hold. Arm still extended, wait for the burn, then a slow, controlled raise, and then do the other hand.)
It was just us out there, flying along. Very peaceful.quam minimum credula postero
Nice goats! Are you planning to slaughter the bucklings, or just use them for brush control?
When will the eggs hatch? Btw, your black/white roosters might have some nice fly tying feathers. If you slaughter them, you might save the capes, etc. to sell for fly tying. Then again, it might be too much trouble.Dode