If you are having trouble getting into the new forum, use the contact button, or use this link to send a password request to your e-mail.
If you do not get it, send a contact request here... and include your phone number if you like so we can call you if needed otherwise we will manually send you a temporary password.
If you have problems we'll do our best to fix it..
A bit about how we protect your privacy.
A decision was made to not use google analytics on this web site, despite it being a key service that can be implemented. Too many companies already track your every move, we will do our best to make your experience fun, and spy free.
We may offer products from time to time, through Amazon or other merchants. We will NOT provide your information to any company, or individual.
We do not log chats, once it scrolls off the screen it is gone.
We limit open access to this forum, some areas of the board can be read without an account. If you do not want exposure there, do not post in those areas.
We limit access to profile / user information to users with an account. You can limit access to that information with a number of choices in your profile.
We limit Guest access to recent activity to those forums which are publicly readable.
We will limit advertising on this site as much as possible, and may offer subscriptions to defray the costs of software, maintenance, hosting & upgrades.
Hey we're looking out for folks here... that's its.. if you're just snooping around or here for nefarious reasons, be aware, we snoop back.
If you do not get it, send a contact request here... and include your phone number if you like so we can call you if needed otherwise we will manually send you a temporary password.
If you have problems we'll do our best to fix it..
A bit about how we protect your privacy.
A decision was made to not use google analytics on this web site, despite it being a key service that can be implemented. Too many companies already track your every move, we will do our best to make your experience fun, and spy free.
We may offer products from time to time, through Amazon or other merchants. We will NOT provide your information to any company, or individual.
We do not log chats, once it scrolls off the screen it is gone.
We limit open access to this forum, some areas of the board can be read without an account. If you do not want exposure there, do not post in those areas.
We limit access to profile / user information to users with an account. You can limit access to that information with a number of choices in your profile.
We limit Guest access to recent activity to those forums which are publicly readable.
We will limit advertising on this site as much as possible, and may offer subscriptions to defray the costs of software, maintenance, hosting & upgrades.
Hey we're looking out for folks here... that's its.. if you're just snooping around or here for nefarious reasons, be aware, we snoop back.