Hello from Michigan! Love the books, I read the first book back in November and I just keep buying them, I am waiting on the 6th one in the mail at the moment.
I have been interested in mild prepping since I read one second after back in October. I am a believer in being prepared for anything, have done 5 day hunting trips but even then I found myself realizing I wasnt prepared enough. I am a full time student but I move every 3 months because i do a internship type of thing at a company. Unfortunately I am tight on money being in college and all and prepping to travel from jackson mi or flint mi to my home town (115 miles away from Jackson or 50 miles from flint) would be a night mare. Flints bad enough if yall havent heard the news. and jackson id have to travel through Lansing (Michigan capital). I hope to get information and advice with the money and the fact that i would have to travel, like Morgan, to get back home for my more long term gear. So id have to Go Home
Glad to be here, look forward for advice and knowledge.
Yall can call me Holiday
I have been interested in mild prepping since I read one second after back in October. I am a believer in being prepared for anything, have done 5 day hunting trips but even then I found myself realizing I wasnt prepared enough. I am a full time student but I move every 3 months because i do a internship type of thing at a company. Unfortunately I am tight on money being in college and all and prepping to travel from jackson mi or flint mi to my home town (115 miles away from Jackson or 50 miles from flint) would be a night mare. Flints bad enough if yall havent heard the news. and jackson id have to travel through Lansing (Michigan capital). I hope to get information and advice with the money and the fact that i would have to travel, like Morgan, to get back home for my more long term gear. So id have to Go Home

Glad to be here, look forward for advice and knowledge.
Yall can call me Holiday