Greetings everyone. New guy here from AZ. What brought me here? Well the Going Home books of course. Excellent read. I still haven't got #6 because I have a Nook and it appears B&N may not carry book #6. I may have to buy the actual book now. But anyway my screen name is a little misleading. I'm not actually a prepper but have toyed with the idea for a couple of years. But I am always broke
I live in central AZ. Been here for about 7 years. Originally from Phoenix. This seemed like a pretty cool forum to hang out in so I joined. I hope to learn a lot here about being prepared for almost any situation that can and may happen.

I live in central AZ. Been here for about 7 years. Originally from Phoenix. This seemed like a pretty cool forum to hang out in so I joined. I hope to learn a lot here about being prepared for almost any situation that can and may happen.