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Hello Perps! From Northern Kalifornia!

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  • Hello Perps! From Northern Kalifornia!

    I just want to say 'HI' to everyone and a giant 'Thank You', to Tex for inviting me over from SB. I am going to Tex's 'round up' and hope to meet many like minded preppers there.

    I'm just learning the rules and usage of this new forum so please be patient with me.

    I am currently in the process of finding my new state and have been traveling nationally for about the last 8 1/2 months. I've been from coast to coast and North to South (both sides) I can tell you this... I'm still not sure.

    I have a GSD named Cassandra and 3 adult kids (Nichole, Johnny, and Joey). I am getting a new GSD puppy in about 10 days and I believe I'll name her D'Ojee!

    This is me and Cassandra in MO visiting with jdode from Survivalist Boards at the Elephant Rocks State Park.

    Anyway, I look forward to meeting you all.


    PS- I did read AA's books online while he was writing them and Tex gave me signed copies while I was there at his ranch visiting him and his Hostile Native. Hearty Thank You to both Tex and AA.
    Last edited by Mogli; 05-06-2014, 01:57 PM.
    I'm coming to get you.... AND, I'm bringing my dog!!!

  • #2
    Hey Mogli, I am glad to see that you made it over here. Check things out and ask your questions. You will find everyone to be pretty helpful over here. I am looking forward to seeing you again in June.

    = 2

    If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


    • #3
      I think maybe I need more posts to get into the 'Tackroom'. I can't seem to figure it out.
      I'm coming to get you.... AND, I'm bringing my dog!!!


      • #4
        My avatar won't show up on my posts?

        I've never been much of a forum person and have only belonged to SB and one other horse forum. So I may be a little slow learning the rules.
        I'm coming to get you.... AND, I'm bringing my dog!!!


        • #5
          Looks like you're getting the hang of it. Tex had to bless you for the track room. Glad to see you over here.
          I'm drunk tonith.


          • #6
            I can't figure out how to get into the tackroom. it says cookies has to be enabled?

            The password you entered was incorrect. Please try again.
            Note: This requires cookies to be enabled!
            I'm coming to get you.... AND, I'm bringing my dog!!!


            • #7
              Give it a little bit, Mogli. One of the Admins will see this and figure out what the problem is. It seems like there are still some bugs yet to be worked out. I thought all you needed was the password.

              = 2

              If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


              • #8
                I have it now. TY! :-)

                How come I don't have an avatar?

                Originally posted by Tex View Post
                Give it a little bit, Mogli. One of the Admins will see this and figure out what the problem is. It seems like there are still some bugs yet to be worked out. I thought all you needed was the password.

                I'm coming to get you.... AND, I'm bringing my dog!!!


                • #9
                  Nice to see you
                  Daughter of a Ghost Town.


                  • #10
                    Hi Mogli, glad you're here.
                    quam minimum credula postero


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mogli View Post
                      I have it now. TY! :-)

                      How come I don't have an avatar?
                      I see an avatar.

                      = 2

                      If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?


                      • #12
                        Avatar is there... Welcome Mogli...
                        Liberty is NOT a privilege, it is a RIGHT


                        • #13
                          Welcome Mogli.

                          You can only see avatars if you set your general settings to display them.



                          • #14
                            How do I set the general settings to display them? I can't find the right setting.
                            I'm coming to get you.... AND, I'm bringing my dog!!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mogli View Post

                              PS- I did read AA's books online while he was writing them and Tex gave me signed copies while I was there at his ranch visiting him and his Hostile Native. Hearty Thank You to both Tex and AA.
                              I think I know where ADs signed copies went! Welcome to the madness from southern New Mexico.

                              And good choice in dogs. GSDs are the best!
                              Last edited by kickstand; 05-06-2014, 09:06 PM.
                              Defund the Media !!

