Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm medic. I'm an Army medic stationed in Florida. Been in for 9 years now. I have a wife, two kids, and a doberman pinscher. I just finished reading the first three books in the "Going Home" series. Right now I'm reading a book which was suggested to me by a fellow medic, "One Second After" by William Forstchen. I can't wait to read more of the series when they come out!
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Hi Medic, Thank You for Your Service.
Welcome to our board from Wyoming. We have several members from Florida, so you are not all alone down there. Quite a few of us have been together since AA started writing this series two years ago. If you look around you will see that we cover a very broad range of prepper related topics on this board. We have members from all over this country and a few members outside of this country. There is a very broad range of knowledge represented here and everybody is more than willing to help another member out. I don't know if you are a member of any of the other prepper related boards, but here you won't find the know-it-alls or the trolls like so many of the other boards have. We just all try our best to get to know each other and help one another to be as prepared as possible for whatever comes down the pike.
We are glad that you found your way here.
Tex= 2
If we cannot define a simple word like greatness, how can we ever hope to use it as a measuring stick to know when we have risen beyond average?
Welcome Medic, and again thank you for your service. Lots of good people here to share knowledge with. Please feel free to share your area of expertise and make some new friends.
OSA was my first book as well.Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Welcome, try not to give the lunatics too much fuel.
Or something.
To quote the Cheshire Cat, "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "otherwise you wouldn't have come here."quam minimum credula postero
Hi Medic,
Welcome to the board. Jump right in, if you were loony enough to find us you can handle the rest. One Second After was my first prepper related book that I read. It kind of got the ball rolling for me. Where are you originally from? Tell us everything we are very nosey!I mean we all have a healthy amount of curiosity!
Of all the things people get into, "One Second After" just didn't work for me. Couldn't wade through it. Oh well. If enough people read it, that's cool.
I did notice a string of prepper ideas in the most recent Odd Thomas book, "Deeply Odd" (Koontz) - things like it being better to be prepared ahead, instead of wishing you'd been when it's too late, paper money being more of an idea than actual money, the guv't being full of people who are evil. Not bad, naughty, misled, etc. Evil. Pretty fun set of books.quam minimum credula postero
Who needs books, prepping is a waste of time. if President Obamma wanted us to die he would not have bought "FEMA"all the MRE's in the country. But on the other hand welcome to the first liars club and please join in.If you heard the shot you weren't the target!
Welcome Medic.....I joined just a few days before you. This is a great site....a lot better than a lot of the other sites whacky people like us tend to visit. Thank you for your service! If we had more people willing to serve their country, we probably wouldn't be in the mess we are in.NICHEVO