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  • Hello all

    Just an average Joe interested in all/most things related to being self sufficient...

    Like many, I have great concerns about the current state of our Country..It seems that we are taking the same path the Romans did, and we know how well that turned out..

    Look at Cyprus and one does not have to be a rocket scientist to know that the same thing could, and many say, will happen here, not a matter of 'if," but "when."

    So, given the precarious nature of our "just in time," food/fuel/meds/etc., delivery system, and totally integrated society, I like many of you, am taking active steps to being as prepared for a breakdown of society and its' various pieces...

    It is tough being a suburban prepper, but have made very good progress, and am far better off than many/most of the folks near/around us...

    Of course, I would like to have a nice little place in the mountains, near some nice trout water, but that won't happen....

    I came across AA's writings thru another board, and became hooked....I am a big fan, own a signed copy, sits proudly next to many to the other fiction and non-fiction books I own on the subject. It is a great read...

    I am thoroughly enjoying "Cry Havoc," and only wish he'd write more....PSYOP...

  • #2
    Hello all

    I was apprenticed to a mercantile agent when I fought and bled at Breed's Hill. I didn't have to fight, but I had to fight.

    I fought beside my chief, Osceola, when we freed the prisoners at Ft. Brooks. The government in Washington lied to us. I still have not found peace with them; I think I never will.

    My family lived in Tennessee. Didn't own any slaves; didn't see any sense to it. Besides, we were just small fry trying to live on some hard scrabble land. We just wanted to be left alone, but it seems that never happens. When Rosecrans showed up, and Sherman, we took it personally. Keep off my land, and stay out of my life.

    I was a student in Warsaw, Poland when the Nazis took control. My family was locked into a ghetto; for what I never understood. I watched as my neighbors gathered at the square by the train station, kicked and spat upon and herded onto the train, like sheep, not people, sheep. I swore I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I was proud when our small group rose up and said "no more." I was proud that I was allowed the honor of being given a pistol, when there were so few weapons. And 17 cartridges -- a treasure. I made every shot count. And I died on my feet.

    I'm still here, and here I still stand. Tyrants cannot change my mind, or take my God given rights. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

    Oh, I'm also a misfit who goes by the tag American By The Grace of God (ABTGoG).
    "“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Hello all

      What a crock of shit. Psy gets the first post! He's just a fisherman....he does not count


      • #4
        Hello all

        Well, well, well, look who finally made an appearance.
        I'm drunk tonith.


        • #5
          Hello all

          And that would be AA??
          "“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine


          • #6
            Hello all

            You a funny guy ABT. We need more traffic here.
            I'm drunk tonith.


            • #7
              Hello all

              Traffic cop?? Not enough window lickers here to bang into each other yet. Whoops,better not speak to loud, some sheep banger might showup.


              • #8
                Hello all

                OK. More traffic. I got some ideas. Some might be legal.
                "“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  Hello all

                  BTW, got the e-mail; working on it.

                  Is coding in required on every post and response?
                  "“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine


                  • #10
                    Hello all

                    hmmm, are you talking code words, or login?


                    • #11
                      Hello all

                      Good thing this is not public, ABT would get us banned before we start.


                      • #12
                        Hello all

                        All right. I'm here. What did I win ??
                        And don't tell me a slightly used sheep !


                        • #13
                          Hello all

                          Well I'm here. What did I win?


                          • #14
                            Hello all

                            All right - 3rd try. Must be the damn pass codes.


                            • #15
                              Hello all

                              Hmm, Jstwaiting I can see yours just fine. Uhoh, am I supposed to use my new powers? :huh:
                              Pastemistress. Now aka Mimi

