Cracker here, from a small town in SE Volusia County. I prep some, and worry alot. Really enjoyed all AA's books. Could not wait for #7. Bought it on Amazon and read it straight thru. Im looking for some advice on salt curing some wild pig. Anybody know how to do it safely in FL? I want to try a salt box, but am not sure if I could do it without refrigeration.
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Help With Ham
You can cure meat with straight salt, but it won't be anything like the ham you are used to. Salt cured meat will be hard and very salty. Salt pulls all the moisture from the meat so bacteria will not grow in it. Salt cured meat will need to be soaked or even boiled several times in water to remove the salt and moisten the meat back up before using it. Salt cured meat will be much harder and much saltier than any jerky. Also, the meat will need to be kept cool while curing. Probably less than 40°F. Not sure if you can keep it that cold right now in FL or not. But this is the reason that most butchering and hunting was done in the fall and winter in years past.
There are other ways to preserve meat that make the meat more use-able and don't need to keep it as cool. I would investigate biltong for a good method.
Also consider the "pink salt" (Instacure #1, or Prague Powder.) It's used for things you leave a little moisture in, like corned beef, bacon, and ham. I have successfully made corned beef with regular pickling salt, the little bit of Instacure the instructions call for, and did it in the refridgerater.
If you have room to put a second fridge somewhere, shed or garage maybe, or even carport if you can lock the fridge door - people steal meat from visible carport fridges in Texas often, that would give you a place to cure meats without catching hell from people who just want space for sodas. (Oh the complaints I got over the corned beef. Like they never heard of ice?)quam minimum credula postero