Im not in any way here to promote myself. However i have been following a topic for a very long time. A topic that i think we likely will all face in the not so distant future. We have a lot of things it appears to be in our path. But i think the worst and most scary one of them is the topic of a video i made today on our news channel. Something i think many of you will want to be aware of. All the data is there to prove it. But very few will discuss it. I am one of those few. I think we have a lot of hurdles to cross before then. One of them being a grid down scenario. But we are seeing changes in weather already. If you look at the earth wind map which ill link you will see that we no longer have a gulf air stream or a jet stream that runs usually near the border of the USA and Canda. Why are these 2 streams which are needed to keep a balance missing? Think magnetism. Here is the earth wind map and the video i spoke of is below. Earth Wind Map