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X2 class solar flare, earth directed.

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  • X2 class solar flare, earth directed.

    A flare popped off a couple hours ago, I posted a link where you can see the potentially affected area, hope it turns out to be nothing.

    Space Weather Message Code: ALTTP2
    Serial Number: 999
    Issue Time: 2015 Mar 11 1700 UTC

    ALERT: Type II Radio Emission
    Begin Time: 2015 Mar 11 1623 UTC
    Estimated Velocity: 1461 km/s

    NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at

    Description: Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.

    Space Weather Message Code: ALTTP4
    Serial Number: 498
    Issue Time: 2015 Mar 11 1701 UTC

    ALERT: Type IV Radio Emission
    Begin Time: 2015 Mar 11 1638 UTC

    NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at

    Description: Type IV emissions occur in association with major eruptions on the sun and are typically associated with strong coronal mass ejections and solar radiation storms.
    Space Weather Message Code: SUM10R
    Serial Number: 658
    Issue Time: 2015 Mar 11 1704 UTC

    SUMMARY: 10cm Radio Burst
    Begin Time: 2015 Mar 11 1618 UTC
    Maximum Time: 2015 Mar 11 1621 UTC
    End Time: 2015 Mar 11 1621 UTC
    Duration: 3 minutes
    Peak Flux: 160 sfu
    Latest Penticton Noon Flux: 121 sfu

    NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at

    Description: A 10cm radio burst indicates that the electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare at the 10cm wavelength was double or greater than the initial 10cm radio background. This can be indicative of significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications.

    I'm drunk tonith.

  • #2
    Here is a better view. We missed a big one here. Play the anamation. The earth is the little circle/dot on the right of the image.


    • #3
      I am just curious, and I am posting here because this is what made me think of it, but what would a large CME, Flare, etch do to a generator? I am talking about a small one from a home store. Many of these have electronics that control them, and I was wondering if they would still function at all. I guess if it was a large enough one, it would not matter as the items you want to run would likely be blown too.


      • #4
        Probably not much if it did not have anything connected to it (extention cords) at the time. Its the power transmition lines that are the main threat for inducing current/voltage amd tripping the system components.

        But then again thats my SWAG!


        • #5
          Originally posted by redman2006 View Post
          I am just curious, and I am posting here because this is what made me think of it, but what would a large CME, Flare, etch do to a generator? I am talking about a small one from a home store. Many of these have electronics that control them, and I was wondering if they would still function at all. I guess if it was a large enough one, it would not matter as the items you want to run would likely be blown too.
          Ask yourself just how much damage would a hippie do to this bulldozer when it ran over him on the way to smashing the tree?

          Unless there is complex electronics, not one bit.
          You're still walking free. Enjoy it while you can.


          • #6
            So if it would not damage the electronics in these generators, and many of them have a fair bit in the control and clean energy production as I understand it, how would one damage a radio or other price of electronics if they were not connected to a large "antenna" that collected the energy?

            For example, a small hand held ham radio?

            My home would get a double whammy. The power lines and the fence charger attached to a mile or so of wire. Odd question here too, but would a lightening arrestor stop the incoming on my fence?

            I had lightening hit the fence and literally blow up my charger. Luckily it just tripped the gfi and a breaker in the house. Now I have several arrestors in the fence line.


            • #7
              Some good info (and snark) over here on EMPs:


              • #8

                The sun unleashed its first super powerful flare of 2015 on Wednesday March 11th with the intense eruption aimed directly at Earth.

                According to, the X-class flare, which is the strongest category possible, peaked at 16:22 GMT originating from a sunspot known as Active Region 12297. It registered as an X 2.2 sun storm on the scale. Scientists classify strong solar flares into three categories. These are C, M and X, with X flares bring 10 times more powerful than M flares. X2 and X3 flares are twice and three times as powerful as X1 flares.

                Active Region 12297 had previously fired off a number of medium-strength flares over the preceding few days. The event on March 11th caused at least an hour-long blackout in high-frequency radio communications over wide areas, according to scientists with the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.

                NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured stunning video of this X-class solar flare as it erupted. More details including links to the video and photos are on our Facebook page at

                (, ARNewsline)

