So? Why am I here? I firmly believe that books like the Going Home series and social media like this forum are so important as means to awaken the sleeping masses.
This place is so very much more important than most will ever know. We, not only as Americans but as a global society are at one of the most crucial crux's ever in human history. The powerful and wealthy have the most advanced technology in all of human history and there are well over 7 billion souls now on earth. Events world wide are shaping up in all the wrong ways. We could no doubt go on and on about the details but all of us here are aware of the threats from ever expanding government intrusions and abuses, financial time bombs, and decreasing natural resources. At some point, I believe soon, we are very likely to see another major global conflict. Even if it's only a jihadi success with a primitive fusion device near one of our larger Jewish populations it will very probably escalate into a nightmare.
I hope all of you east of the Mississippi river and especially in or near any sort of significant urban area have some serious plans to GTHOD and soon!!
Well? Enough of the gloom and doom for now. I'm going to spend the next few days SKIING!!!! WOOHOOO!