Is this our future?
I have been traveling the country for the last 6 months and one of my stops was SD. I spent about 6 weeks in the Custer, Custer State Park and The Black Hills. At one point, the weather got so bad I ended up spending about 3 weeks in a motel run by Sioux Indians. So I got the opportunity to learn a lot.
But what this post is about is a brief reflection of the Native American since the white man came and stole their land, decimated their way of life and basically enslaved them. An analogy of what happened to the Indians by govt. and what is happening to us, all of us, NOW.
Stolen Land
Stolen land and broken promises. The Native Americans lost most of their land and were given reservations in some of the worst, most inhabitable, infertile land throughout the United States.
I drove through parts of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation on my way to the Badlands. I got myself lost at one point and stopped at a police station for directions. There were bullet holes in their bullet proof glass and the bathrooms hadn't seen a plumber in God only knows how long. The water was running and the floor wet from overflowing. This, in the woman's bathroom. I was grateful for my 4X4 even on their city streets as the ditches and missing concrete were THAT deep.
I went to Wounded Knee and within minutes of parking my car, I had several cares pull right in beside me with 3-5 Indians in each car. I bought some ear rings and a necklace from a couple of the women. After, one woman stayed behind the rest to talk to me for awhile. She told me her only income was what she could sell the jewelry for, and her govt. assistance. She told me all about her grandkids who don't drink, do drugs, or cuss and how she watches them constantly to keep them out of trouble. She also told me all about their sports and how they excelled. She was so proud of those young high schoolers.
There are trailers everywhere and about 40 to 50% are completely uninhabitable. They are just left there, to rot, as are the cars. The dogs run free right along the hwy. Tons of them everywhere. The other thing I noticed was the sheer number of horses rather than cattle. That, I assumed is the Indians love of the horse but I couldn't help but think how much more beneficial to have the acres filled with beef cattle. The land is so poor it takes about 40 acres to feed 1 head.

And our property?
Has now largely been stolen through incrementalism. Govt. tells us exactly what we can and cannot build on the land. Then they tell us exactly how much we will and won't pay in taxes, extortion money through building permits, etc. for the land. They tell us how many units we may put on it, what type of septic and/or sewer. If they want the land, they just take it through eminent domain, blight, confiscation, radical environmentalism.
I've heard rumor they've even used our National Parks for collateral of our National Debt. I still need to research this.
At the motel where I stayed, TJ was missing all her teeth. She's my age. Govt. dental care. She said almost everyone in her family was toothless because of the Indian dental care was so bad. She also said they had to go to the clinic if they needed medical care.
So now, the Democrats want to put us all on Nationalized healthcare and make our productive class pay for it all.
The Indians were forced from their homes and into govt. schools so they could be indoctrinated the way the govt. wanted and torn from their families and culture.
Soul Wound: The Legacy of Native American Schools
Now we have compulsory Nationalized education for our children and if you don't comply, parents will go to jail. Yes, I understand we can home school but .gov still largely controls the message and parents are forced (slavery) to keep mountains of information and documentation to appease the govt.
All the public schools are 'Collectivist' AND.... ALL of the private schools and universities as well, since they ARE regulated and controlled by the state and MUST include the state approved 'propaganda' and guidelines. The propaganda IS insane but through constant repetition, attacking dissenters, it quickly gets accepted as truth.
The propaganda is
*The govt. provides service X.
*IF, the govt. does not provide service X, then service X will NEVER be provided.
*Therefore, anyone arguing against the govt. providing service X, is arguing against the necessity or value of service X.
THIS, is how Collectivism takes over societies.
Gun Confiscation

Here’s what you need to know about gun confiscation
You think the local, state, feds, and UN are after your guns for the children. Think again. They're after your freedom, wealth, property, sovereignty, resources and very lives.
This is what happens when you say NO to govt.
One only needs to look at the progressive run (for decades) cities of Detroit, Chicago, LA, and Oakland, Ca. where the man has been replaced by .gov to know that the story below....... Is true.
This is what happens to a conquered people. When they're overwhelmed by force and violence and .gov takes control of their lives in the 'façade' to help.
These people have lost their heart, soul and pride. Are we next? How much of our heart, soul, and pride is already gone? This is what becomes of a people when they lose their language, culture and borders..... how much of ours is already gone?
This is what happens when people lose control of their own destiny.

Their attempt to take back control of their own lives.... failed by the force of violence. Too little and way too late. They were over powered.

I know we all make our own way in life, but how does one overcome the despair and bitterness passed down from generation to generation?

I think I would drink myself senseless too.
