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How many more?

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  • #76
    I know a few that would really LOVE a book 9. I wont give anything away but wondering what direction that book would/could go


    • #77
      Being the FNG here I sure don't want to come into your house and piss on the rug BUT... I will say the last couple books have felt really "forced". They seem to have lost some of the gritty detail that grabbed me in in the first book. Some of the plot lines need wrapped up and some new ones opened. It seems like things have really gotten too easy for Morgan and the crew, the rest of Florida is still struggling but they have everything they seem to need. To me in a SHTF situation Morgan would be a walking bullseye to a pack of starving folks.

      That said, I love the series I would love to read more. Thanks for listening to one fan's thoughts.
      [I][B]Oderint dum metuant[/B][/I]

      [I]"Stay with me; do not fear. For he who seeks my life seeks your life, but with me you shall be safe.”[/I] 1 Samuel 22:23

      [I]“Everybody is a patriot...Until it's time to do patriot shit[/I]


      • #78
        It needs at least one more now. Too many loose ends to tie up. However, book 8 leaves it open for a VERY GOOD book 9. I think of book 8 as like an intermission of sorts.


        • #79
          Originally posted by angeryamerican View Post
          This series will probably be five books. Then I may start doing breakouts of the various characters, what they're doing, there they're at, that kind of thing.
          I'm glad you changed your mind about this AA! Although I know that all good things will end,I just hope that it isn't anytime soon.
          But I would like to see breakouts of the different characters. Not just where they're at what they're doing. But especially in the cases of Sarge,Mike,Ted,Doc and Dalton flashbacks of their lives before the Day.


          • #80
            I got an Amazon notification about book 12 becoming available on 11/21/23 i Audible and Kindle formats.

            Will this also be available in print form? (Not a fan of e-books)


            • #81
              Book 12, Exploring Home, is out. It's available in Kindle, Paperback and Audible editions.
              Defund the Media !!

