He did indicate some vague time in the past, so this rogue baboon might have been before the other story. There's also adrenaline to consider, can make you forget things.
No announcement yet.
My true outdoor stories out of Africa....
Now here is an interesting bit of news; a venomous monocled cobra has escaped near Austin, Texas after biting and killing an 18-year-old pet store employee. Austin Animal Services is not going to look for the snake. “It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack,” said Austin Animal Services spokeswoman.
Hi guys, i,m back after a wonderful time with the kids and grand children. Did a lot of camping as well as some (unsuccessful!) Spearhunting too this year. But as always, its the hunt (experience) ,and not the kill (blood) anymore thats important to me nowadays. Will put up lots of photos though...
Most, but not all taken by me or just beautiful animal shots.
Tex, I encountered this baboon while waiting in ambush for a warthog with my spear, luckely he didn,t spot me...lol00
Sometimes the mind can not comprehend what the eye can not see...
Redman2006, I share your passion for sharp pointy things...
Depending what i do or hunt (or with what i hunt!) I have usually more than one knife on my person at any given time, + some others back in camp as well!
There is no perfect blade that can do everything 100% !!
A knife is purpose build tool for a specific job, though it can do other jobs as well
In Usa you could propably do more with a smaller 5' blade due to the higher rainfall and softer wood than in dry, very hard wood Africa where the gp knife would be bigger and heavier.
I am a firm believer in permanently carring 3 blades, a quality lock blade multitool , a shorter fixed blade skinner/ bushcrafter and a bigger 7" cold steel recon scout on my person while hunting, and back at camp i have a mora for general food preparation etc..
This is my set-up for handgun hunting (a big bladed Bowie).
Sometimes the mind can not comprehend what the eye can not see...