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I'm not sure if surfing causes Covid19 or if it is a primary source of transmission but what I do know is little wanna be dictators world wide find it extremely offensive. Mothers with their babies in parks seems to be another health crime that we must actively work to eliminate.
What dictators hate are independent thinkers that surf , surfers unite .
Police shootout during a robbery at OR Tambo Airport Johannesburg
[Heavily armed Criminals = 3 suspected robbers shot dead & 7 others also shot and wounded.by the Police at the same spot we were just hours earlier!]
That's some serious firepower the criminals had with them!!
Including [stolen???] official Police assault rifles. 9mm Beretta pistol, ammo, blue flac jackets and badge !!!
Just as well we didn't knew...
We came by repatriation flight via Dubai just hours before this robbery and shooting incident at the Johannesburg airport !
Just hours before this incident the Police kept us for 3 hours waiting inside the overloaded taxis [from 5'30 evening] that took us and our luggage to the quarantine hotels , and one airport guard was just heard saying in passing that they are searching the surroundings.....??
Maybe they got a tip-off about the planned airport warehouse robbery by heavily armed criminals?
The 30 x taxis with aeroplane repatriation passengers had to go through FOUR different roadblocks from the aeroplane till we exit the airport premisses, maybe a distance of only about 2-3 km ?
No illegal persons were found amongst the about 300 aeroplane repatriation passengers and they let us all eventually go through the fourth airport checkpoint at around 9;30 at night.
We were just annoyed that after a long nearly 9 hour international flight and then passport control at Johannesburg airport we had to wait for another 3 hours just sitting and waiting in a full taxi!
We were not aware of this background and thankfully we escaped harm on this one!
UPDATE 18/7/2020 - Attempt to steal PPE from OR Tambo leads to deadly shootout--
"At about 12:30 today [Saturday], a group of suspects entered the cargo section at the OR Tambo airport and held the staff at gunpoint at one of the warehouses.
"The manager of the warehouse noticed employees lying on the floor and immediately notified the police and airport security," Muridili said.
Upon arrival, the police and security officers chased after the suspects' truck and bakkie which had left the cargo area.
"A high-speed chase and shootout resulted. Subsequently, seven suspects were arrested, four of them with gunshot wounds, while two others were shot dead.
"A civilian in the vicinity sustained a gunshot wound apparently by a stray bullet," she said.
From a friend...Our PH almost cleared leather with his pistol at OR Tambo.
We had just met TJ and were headed to his truck as we entered the parking garage.
A guy started to follow us, my wife and I both noticed him.
We had set our bags down in an adjacent space to the bakkie.
As the man approached, TJ immediately started yelling at him to get back as he grabbed his pistol.
My wife and I started looking behind us, in case he had friends coming at us from behind.
The man left quietly and that was the end of it.
We loaded up and left quickly.
It was a hell of a welcome to Africa.
As much as I hate to say it, I'm not surprised by this report given the current climate.
================================================== =========================================
The incident at OR Tambo is far from an isolated incident , violent crime in SA is common place and a daily occurrence , and the state does nothing or very little to combat it .
The police in SA are largely regarded as not being up to the task , our criminal justice system is mostly ineffective and our government is plagued by large scale corruption and incompetence - a conducive environment for criminals to prosper .
The factual correct history about this evil communist monster mandela, without the misleading liberal media and political brainwash that unfortunately fooled so many people in believing he is a saint or some oppressed hero,and it is even being taught in school textbooks to innocent children!!��
If a murdering bomb-planting terrorist is being portrayed as a hero to young children at school, then Antifa arsoning, looting, racist blm rioting criminal youths all over the world refusing to take any responsibility for breaking the law , and even believing its their 'right' , must not be a huge surprize to anybody!
Even trying to cook the numbers for Covid deaths in South Africa
BTW we are only at 4000 deaths
#fakenews #CNN #COVID19 #themediaisthevirus
If the mainstream 'news' media can spread blatend fake info about Covid-19 ,mandela , apartheid, genocide farm murders , crime, corruption etc about my beautiful country, then it's no wonder the outside world has no idea of what is really going on here or the rest of the world...
Sometimes the mind can not comprehend what the eye can not see...
Living in a brave new world really sucks , here in the USA the Democrat run cities are in chaos with those local governments going along . Time is not on our side with elections coming , we can only hope people get off their asses to vote for some sanity , if not it may go medieval .
Welcome home Observe, I'm glad you made it home safely. Well, after all, you wouldn't want your return to be a boring "just another day", would you? Sure was nice of those thieves to give you a memorable return. I do hope no one else was harmed.
These certainly are some interesting times we're living in. When you're friend said his "PH almost cleared leather", what does PH stand for? Personal Handgun? How are the gun laws there for mere civilians?
Thanks Kickstand
We are still allowed to carry guns ,and at this stage the criminals are not armed with mere pangas/machetes or bricks, but a huge amount of automatic AK's from neighbouring Mozambique [Where ISIS] become very strong now] and Zimbabwe---as there are no borders anymore.
Border control is for the few good people in cars, while next to the border control they just walk illegally across the border in their thousands!
PH is the Professional Hunter that come to pick up his hunting clients personally at the airport [because of so many robberies and rip offs] and taking them to the hunting camp 100s of km away. A newcomer stepping off the plane doesn't know what to do or what to expect,and are immediately spotted and by mobile the criminal network alerted and being followed to be robbed at night or while sightseeing etc.
We are not armed for show--even an 'innocent' approach in a car parking lot can be a criminal scout for the gang...
It is sad we do not have a government with the will or brains to run a country but just want to see how much more they and their families can loot and steal in the department they are in.
The previous president --ZUMA-- court case is now been suspended numerous times over 3 years as he threatened the government officials if ge go to jail he will spill the beans and everybody will go to jail!
He has been found guilty of more than 800 serious state capturing crimes wort -not millions, but Billions--but the legal process cept being derailed etc
Currently his wife with the IQ of a rock lizard is standing against the current prez Ramaphoze in the next election.
She got a very good chance,cause all the crime bosses and 'trade unions' stand behind her and will be able to steal South Africa dry with her 'in charge'
ISIS in Mozambique is so strong that the Moz army and police are scared to go in there.
They have warned RSA to keep out [our lazy political aids army is in any case worth nothing at this stage!]
USA knows what is going on and just 'monitor' the situation while 1000's of whole rural villages citizens are being literally hacked to pieces...
The only person fighting ISiS in Moz protecting millions of blacks from certain ISIS deaths is a private 78 year old WHITE guy with about 100 well trained operators!
Search for Colonel L. Dyck and his fight for Northern Mozambique against ISIS on the net...
The Mozambican government is reported to have hired a private security company owned by Zimbabwe's Retired Colonel Lionel Dyck to assist in fighting the Islamic terrorists.
Veteran journalist Brezhnev Malaba revealed that the name of a Zimbabwean contract killer was being mentioned in the neighbo
The irony--where is BLM assholes when you really need them protecting innocent rural black lives in Africa from being chopped in pieces and taken as slaves for the Arab market---TODAY!
I agree ,the mainstream media not doing their primary job of alerting the world on the real crisis, but playing a political game,has much to pay for one day!
This lead to uncounted deaths,hardship a lost of property even outside of USA----for what???!!
[He will now become your next mandela in school textbooks as a 'hero' !!!]
[07/11, 09:43] KC: FACTS...NO EMOTION
The George Floyd autopsy report is out.
The report is 20 pages long, and it is detailed.
The autopsy was performed by a board-certified forensic pathologist and reviewed by a second board-certified forensic pathologist prior to release.
The autopsy was thorough, the report fair, and unbiased.
The first thing that jumps out when reading the Floyd autopsy report: "No life-threatening injuries were identified". That is a direct quote.
There were no facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae noted.
Most people have never heard the word Petechiae.
Petechiae is a pinhead size red or purple spot on the surface of the skin which is the result of tiny ruptures in blood vessels resulting in hemorrhage just below the skin.
Petechiae are normal and expected when air and blood flow are cut off at the neck by any mechanism.
The eyes are the best place see petechiae.
If you cut off blood circulation, blood pressure spikes up which breaks blood vessels, and that causes petechiae.
The pathologist that did the autopsy dissected George Floyd's neck muscles layer by layer.
The dissection did not find any contusion or hemorrhage in any of the muscles.
If Derek Chauvin's knee on George Floyd's neck cut off blood flow, the pressure would have ruptured blood vessels, which would have caused bleeding into the surrounding tissue.
The bleeding would have been massive and visible to the naked eye.
There was no bleeding into neck tissue.
If Chauvin's knee cut off Floyd's air supply, the pressure would have broken the esophageal cartilage. That is 100% certain.
Place your thumb and index on your esophagus. Press backward into your neck.
When you get as far back as you can comfortably push, lock your fingers, pull them out and look how big your esophagus actually is.
You don't collapse the esophagus to the point of cutting off air flow without breaking the cartilage.
In a forensic autopsy, the pathologist examines the esophagus in place, then removes the entire esophagus and cuts the entire length open and examines the inside.
Floyd's neck and esophagus did not have any trauma.
The thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone were both intact and unbroken.
The cervical spinal column was palpably stable and free of hemorrhage.
The anterior muscles of neck and laryngeal structures were trauma free.
That means Chauvin's knee did not cause any trauma to any part off the neck.
There was no scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain trauma noted.
There were no chest wall soft tissue injuries, vertebral column injuries, or visceral injuries.
That means Floyd's internal organs did not show any trauma.
Floyd did have a single rib fracture from CPR. That is normal.
The pathologist rolled Floyd's body over and incision the posterior and lateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocks looking for deep tissue trauma.
There was no trauma present.
The pathologist did observe cutaneous injuries to the forehead, face, upper lip, the mucosal injuries of the lips, cutaneous injuries to the shoulders, hands, elbows, and legs.
Cutaneous injuries are confined to the skin. Some of the injuries were healing and happened before Floyd's arrest.
The rest were probably the result of scraping contact with pavement during the arrest.
There was no trauma below the skin.
The pathologist noted and documented patterned contusions and abrasions to the wrists consistent with handcuffs.
If you watched the video, you can hear Floyd saying he can't breathe.
If you can't breathe, you can't say you can't breathe.
Why is that is so hard to understand.
The autopsy established that Floyd had a history of hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, severe arteriosclerotic heart disease, and an enlarged heart.
Floyd had a left pelvic tumor which did not contribute to his death. Floyd tested positive for COVID 19.
Toxicology puts the nail in the coffin of Ellison's murder charge.
The individual that called 911 said that Floyd was extremely drunk and not in control of himself.
On one video, Floyd's legs buckled and he fell beside a squad car.
That shows a loss of control.Floyd tested positive for Fentanyl 11 ng/mL.
Blood concentrations of 7 ng/ml have been associated with fatalities where multi drugs were used.
Floyd was a multiple drug user.
Floyd tested positive for Norfentanyl at 5.6 ng/mL a metabolite of Fentanyl.
NOTE: The body metabolizes Fentanyl into Norfentanyl.
Floyd tested positive for 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL. 4-ANPP is an intermediate in the synthesis of fentanyl and related opioids and is often found as an impurity in fentanyl preparations.
A urine drug screen confirmation 86 ng/mL of free morphine.
(NOTE: The body metabolizes opioids like Fentanyl into morphine.)
Floyd tested positive for 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL.
That means he smoked weed.
Floyd tested positive for Caffeine.
Apparently Floyd ate No-Doz by the handful and slugged down 5-hour Energy Drinks, which are caffeine based.
Caffeine may seem harmless, but it is a stimulant that increases heart rate and spikes blood pressure up.
People with hypertension should limit their caffeine intake.
Floyd apparently did not limit his caffeine intake.
Floyd had 19 ng/mL of Methamphetamine in his system.
Methamphetamine can cause confusion, hallucinations, convulsions, and circulatory collapse.
A man with high blood pressure and heart disease should not be getting high on Meth.
There is one more section in the autopsy report that precludes murder charges:
The microscopic examination.
The pathologist doing the autopsy takes multiple tissue samples from each organ in the body.
The samples are sent into one end of Histology and come out the other end as slides that a pathologist can examine at the cellular level under a microscope.
Seven slides of George Floyd's liver showed marked congestion.
Eight slides of his kidney showed marked congestion.
Nine slides of Floyd's adrenal glands showed marked congestion.
Nine slides of his spleen showed marked congestion.
Marked used in this context means evident and clearly noticeable.
The most important slides, the slides with the big picture, concern Floyd's brain.
The pathologist that did the autopsy took tissue sections from Floyd's hippocampus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and midbrain.
The microscopic architecture of Floyd's brain was normal.
The slides did not show any sign of hypoxic - ischemia, or reactive, neoplastic, or inflammatory changes.
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is the result of a lack of oxygen to the brain. The lack of oxygen quickly damages brain cells.
Floyd's brain cells did not show any hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. None.
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is present in all strangulations.
That blows up the narrative that Derek Chauvin choked George Floyd to death, on video for all the world to see.
The slides of Floyd's brain disprove what people think they saw in the video of Floyd's arrest.
The video looks bad, but Chauvin's actions did not kill Floyd.
Sometimes the mind can not comprehend what the eye can not see...
You say this as if Facts Matter. Hmmm, All Facts Matter?
The BLM crowd FEELS like George Floyd's death was all Chauvin's fault, so Chauvin must be punished.
Thanks for the information.
I think the puppetmasters have big plans for Joe Biden, in order to turn the USA into what you describe SA as being, not caring about the people who live here, as long as they can enrich themselves and their families. If Biden does win the Presidency (I don't think he will), I believe that he will only be President for a very short time before those who are really running the show either take him out, reveal enough of his past corruption to remove him from office, or he has a "severe medical event" requiring him to step down. Keep a very close eye on who he picks for a Running Mate. It is my opinion that this person is very likely to be President very shortly after a Biden win.