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This is why we prepare - A Childrens Book

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  • This is why we prepare - A Childrens Book

    Just fleshing out the idea after Savannah asked me where I got all this food.
    I'll decide on the art style later on, but it will definitely be a full cover to cover children's
    book with one picture per page.
    Since I'm a sick f**ker, there may be a Rated R version with holes being perforated into some things and people. (just kidding)

    *This is why we prepare*
    By MillenniumMan

    [Page 1]
    Savannah came home from school one day, and she saw her Mommy
    and Daddy moving big boxes with the words "RICE" and "BEANS"
    and "OATMEAL" on them.
    (Semi-cartoonish look of Mommy and Daddy with boxes in their arms. Savannah
    stares them in awe)

    [Page 2]
    Savannah has known for years that Mommy and Daddy put a lot
    of food in the big pantry, but she had never asked why.

    "Daddy, why do we have so much food in the house?" Savannah said
    (Savannah stands in the doorway, watching Daddy put boxes away)

    [Page 3]
    Savannah's daddy set the box down.

    "Because, Stinkerpie" Daddy loves calling Savannah his little stinkerpie."Things
    will not always be as good as they are now." Daddy said, with a frown.
    (Savannah sitting on Daddy's lap while Daddy sits on a five gallon bucket marked "RICE")

    [Page 4]
    "Many bad things could happen, I could not have my job. Other people could
    lose theirs, making an angry mob"
    (Showing protesters with sticks and signs with slogans looking angry)

    [Page 5]
    "There could be a really bad storm that stops the power for days.
    The refrigerator won't run, the DVD player won't play"
    (Standing in a dim room with Mommy and baby crying while Savannah looks at the not working TV)

    [Page 6]
    "There could be bad men from far away who would want to take our stuff. These men
    would say they're giving to others because we have enough"
    (FEMA jackasses taking away the RICE, BEANS and some guns)

    [Page near the end]
    If there are strangers on our farm, we prepare to
    keep you from harm.
    (Shows Daddy aiming a tactiCOOL shotgun at two stereotypical thief bastards in ski masks with dollar signs on the bags)

    [Page near the end]
    But the biggest reason Mommy and Daddy both prepare, is because
    for you and your baby brother, we really care.
    You're still walking free. Enjoy it while you can.

  • #2
    I have some ideas for milder kids-prep/sneaky "intro to prep" books, but haven't had any chance to work on them. Was thinking it might be easier to get them into kids' hands if they aren't blatantly anti-guv't and pro-gun.
    quam minimum credula postero


    • #3
      Yeah, it could use just a bit toning down. Kind of hard for a toddler to sleep when they're thinking alphabet soup people are coming to try and hurt Mommy and Daddy.

      Like to hear more about your ideas, Lynn.
      You're still walking free. Enjoy it while you can.


      • #4
        I thought I'd find some photo editing software, and turn photos of my grandsons doing prepper stuff into some slightly less blatantly identifiable, cartoony images. Then some easy-reader stories that introduce DIY, cooking, canning, homesteading, coin collecting (gotta have some silver!)
        quam minimum credula postero


        • #5
          The biggest issue that I can see is...make sure that your current avatar isn't in there! I'm with W.Lynn, tone it down. As it reads now, it'll scare the bejeebas outta the lil tykes, and not many want to do that to their kidlets. Plus, those who would purchase it would already be prepping, and would most likely be having the occasional conversations with the children about know, like when their little girl asks where they got all that food.
          Defund the Media !!


          • #6
            Good idea! Throw a cute cuddly critter in the mix of characters, kids seem to be drawn to them.
            Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
            Dietrich Bonhoeffer


            • #7
              No evil muppet cows though, maybe a nice Jersey heifer.
              quam minimum credula postero


              • #8
                Great Idea

                Generally I would tone it way down, and make is more oriented toward general self reliance and preparedness. For a number of reasons, including it would be more appealing to people who may not be preppers, but may life in the typical disaster areas, such as FL, OK, and so on.

                I would cut the firearms stuff out of it, kids don't need to be worried about stuff like that. Sure enough they are resilient and will adapt should the time come. I would probably aim it toward, the kid sees a stranger hiding in the bushes and knows that he/she should tell the grownups. There is someone hiding there, let's find out why, help them, etc.

                The little ones do not have much of a concept of time, in terms of years, so I might approach that differently.

                The language should be simplified, at the level of a child, so;

                "Because, Stinkerpie" Daddy loves calling Savannah his little stinkerpie."Things
                will not always be as good as they are now." Daddy
                , with a frown.

                "sometimes things go wrong, like storms or disasters"

