After a long road of writing, editing and yet more editing I am almost ready to launch my book! 
It's not quite in the same genre as AA's Going Home genre. It's more PAW Sci Fi but should have something for everyone.
Here's a sneak peak at the cover:

Sneak Peak inside.
At the western gateway there was only one guard as the other had gone to grab body armor stored in his home. Over at the other gateways they had already zealously closed their gates and rolled the barrier trucks in place totally locking-down any way in or out. At the western gateway two townsmen began pushing their barrier truck to do the same when Barber - sharp as a knife - pulled forward.
His leading pick-up blocked the barrier wagon and nudged against the gates preventing the slide-beams from aligning. The gate-commander Glyndon began waving his weapon around at Barbers head and screamed for him to reverse. There was a mixture of panic and wild anxiety on his face, contrasting with Barbers ice-cool calm.
The rest of the convoy now lined up behind in waiting vehicles and some of the passengers now aimed their weapons from side-windows at Glyndon. The two other townspeople stopped pushing the truck and it rolled short, now they watched as a sudden stand-off commenced. Neither of them tried to reach for their weapons, both knowing to do so would be unwise.
Glyndon had a passionate way about him though and felt his lock-down plan had been upstaged by Barber's move. He saw the weapons now aimed from the vehicles behind Oakleys and a cooling effect came over him.
Easy now son. Oakley cautioned. You pull that trigger and you follow him into the next world. Oakley said firmly with eyes like a cold shark on Glyndon. He was not aiming his drawn revolver at Glyndon but held it low at his waist, ready to fire across Barber and through the doorway if need be. He staged the trigger somewhat, ready for the horror show. Glyndon hesitated, noticing now several weapons pointed at him from the other vehicles as Oakley spoke on.
Now we're gonna push your gates open nice and easy without damaging them, then you can lock this place down! Oakley spoke loud as more gunshots were coming from the other side of the town.
You're cowards. Leaving us during an attack. Glyndon muttered, starting to see reason all the same.
Not cowards! Free men not wanting to be trapped like rats. Chided Oakley. We've already been prisoners once in a town and I won't let that happen again!
We're in trouble right now can't you see that? Glyndon whined still holding the weapon but it now was less direct at Barber.
If you're in real trouble I give you my word we'll come back to help. NOW LOWER THAT ******* GUN! Oakley shouted as more echoing gunfire blasted from the tower.
No, they will resist my Lord. He said making a brief bow of the head in respect. A Sheriff leads the town along with a civilian Mayor. They claim to be part of the ISTAR. I could not sway them to surrender. Simon answered, going into further details about the exchange.
The Lord of the Tribe focused his grim stare at the distant trees, walls and tower.
It matters not what they think they are, I'll have their town no matter what. Send out the body-truck when ready. He ordered Simon. As the siege began he looked lustily at the distant town that defied him.
Oh, you'll be mine. If I have to pile up corpses at the walls and reduce it to rubble you'll be mine! He declared, shouting out his venom towards the town to the west. The preppers and survivalists in Redmond had learned their lesson, so would Tonswater.

It's not quite in the same genre as AA's Going Home genre. It's more PAW Sci Fi but should have something for everyone.
Here's a sneak peak at the cover:

Sneak Peak inside.
Chapter 8 - The Coming Storm
At the western gateway there was only one guard as the other had gone to grab body armor stored in his home. Over at the other gateways they had already zealously closed their gates and rolled the barrier trucks in place totally locking-down any way in or out. At the western gateway two townsmen began pushing their barrier truck to do the same when Barber - sharp as a knife - pulled forward.
His leading pick-up blocked the barrier wagon and nudged against the gates preventing the slide-beams from aligning. The gate-commander Glyndon began waving his weapon around at Barbers head and screamed for him to reverse. There was a mixture of panic and wild anxiety on his face, contrasting with Barbers ice-cool calm.
The rest of the convoy now lined up behind in waiting vehicles and some of the passengers now aimed their weapons from side-windows at Glyndon. The two other townspeople stopped pushing the truck and it rolled short, now they watched as a sudden stand-off commenced. Neither of them tried to reach for their weapons, both knowing to do so would be unwise.
Glyndon had a passionate way about him though and felt his lock-down plan had been upstaged by Barber's move. He saw the weapons now aimed from the vehicles behind Oakleys and a cooling effect came over him.
Easy now son. Oakley cautioned. You pull that trigger and you follow him into the next world. Oakley said firmly with eyes like a cold shark on Glyndon. He was not aiming his drawn revolver at Glyndon but held it low at his waist, ready to fire across Barber and through the doorway if need be. He staged the trigger somewhat, ready for the horror show. Glyndon hesitated, noticing now several weapons pointed at him from the other vehicles as Oakley spoke on.
Now we're gonna push your gates open nice and easy without damaging them, then you can lock this place down! Oakley spoke loud as more gunshots were coming from the other side of the town.
You're cowards. Leaving us during an attack. Glyndon muttered, starting to see reason all the same.
Not cowards! Free men not wanting to be trapped like rats. Chided Oakley. We've already been prisoners once in a town and I won't let that happen again!
We're in trouble right now can't you see that? Glyndon whined still holding the weapon but it now was less direct at Barber.
If you're in real trouble I give you my word we'll come back to help. NOW LOWER THAT ******* GUN! Oakley shouted as more echoing gunfire blasted from the tower.
Chapter 10
Surrender? Charrak asked bluntly. Simon shook his head throwing the white flag to a Dogsoldier who caught it.No, they will resist my Lord. He said making a brief bow of the head in respect. A Sheriff leads the town along with a civilian Mayor. They claim to be part of the ISTAR. I could not sway them to surrender. Simon answered, going into further details about the exchange.
The Lord of the Tribe focused his grim stare at the distant trees, walls and tower.
It matters not what they think they are, I'll have their town no matter what. Send out the body-truck when ready. He ordered Simon. As the siege began he looked lustily at the distant town that defied him.
Oh, you'll be mine. If I have to pile up corpses at the walls and reduce it to rubble you'll be mine! He declared, shouting out his venom towards the town to the west. The preppers and survivalists in Redmond had learned their lesson, so would Tonswater.