In most people's lives, there are times of almost euphoric joy when all is right with their world. The causes range a very broad spectrum, but the end result feeling is nearly the same.

For some, they experience the antithesis of joy. I am not talking about a dieing family member level of pain, I am talking about steeping past horror, into a time of darkness past any emotional pain that can be felt. It's a special place few ever go, past sadness, past horror, past terror, and into the oblivion of darkness where neither joy nor happiness exist. In this place a person's very soul is hanging upon a tenuous thread of life with just a pinprick of light to contrast the otherwise pitch black.

Some folks lose even that pinprick of light. Few ever recover from it, and when those few come back, they rarely can pin down what exactly it was that brought them back. Whatever the case, none who ever go there ever come back; at least not as they were.

What sends someone there is just as varied, if not more so, than what gives folks that high euphoric feeling of joy. Anything from witnessing their best friend blown limb from limb on a battlefield, witnessing a city reduced to rubble, or watching a child's eyes as the life leaves them. What these events share are the 'real trauma' of events beyond the pale of terror and horror.

All that said, those times are coming when SHTF, yet few prepare for that end of it. Most would question how someone would prepare for it without the experience in the first place. The truth is, there is little to be done except keeping the faith and soaking in the little things.

Soaking in the little things?? Yes, all those little moments of joy, moments of peace, and lightness of heart.

It is those things that leave the little pinprick of light in what is otherwise oblivion. It is the source of that string of hope. Even when it goes totally black, it can still save your soul should you find that little string in the darkness.

I don't expect many to understand what it is I am saying, and in truth I sincerely hope few ever do. However, when your down to the last thread, and the darkness threatens to claim you, reach not up, but in.

Start your account today if you have not already done so. Watch a sunset, breath in the scent of a flower, watch the breath of a doe in the predawn light, play a game with your child, just start banking those little moments of joy. Mountains of food, gold, and guns, will be worthless if you have no reserves of joy to bring you back from the abyss.

My viewpoint on it for what its worth