Does it never end?

Put on your seatbelt.
Don't swim for an hour after eating.
Don't wear fur.
Coal=bad. Oil=bad. Nuclear=bad. Solar fries birds and is inefficient. Wind chops up birds and is inefficient. Hydro-dams destroy the natural ecology, and what about in droughts?
Don't do that. You'll go blind.
Save the snail darter, the mosquito, the small-pox virus.
Don't hurt the fairies' feelings. Let them use your daughter's restroom.
Don't use the word fairy.
Don't defend yourself. You might infringe on the right of a thug to be a thug.
Save the forests. Paper bags are bad. Use plastic bags.
The environment can't sustain plastic waste. Use cloth bags.
Cloth bags are disease breeding grounds. Use your hands.
Using your hands is insensitive to the other-abled. Starve.

And now, I get poked right in the eye, for the umpteenth time:

13 best and worst foods for people with diabetes

I've got diabetes and I've got one word for all of you: Eat me!!!

Don't eat white rice (there goes my emergency storage plan). Don't eat bananas, melons, fruit juice, smoothies, energy bars,trail mix, french fries, marbled meat. DON'T EAT CHINESE FOOD!!!!!!! I guess this is proven by all fat, diabetic, Chinese running around. Listen, except for that fat bastard Mao (who ate for the millions who couldn't) and Buddha, I can't think of too many fat Chinese.

Then, tomorrow, the same dumbfucks who can't decide if the earth is warming, cooling or just going to shit because of humans will say they've just figured out that all the food they've damned are really good for sugar balance, or that it may hurt your pancreas, but its essential for heart health. Fuck you!

And you know what? These little health Hitlers should be glad I smoke like a chimney, too. If they're right, I won't be clogging up the healthcare system into my boring nineties. And if I didn't buy my cancer sticks, where would they get the tax money for all their other bullshit? Oh, I forgot. We'll switch to taxing soda and sugar drinks. And try to tax my lap dances. Assholes.

I'll end with a message to all those anemic, wussified, wanna-be dictators: Kiss my royal, diabetic, smokin', Irish ass and leave me the fuck alone!

Just sayin'.