Fairness. Do unto others. Give the devil his due. Even a busted clock is right twice a day.

This post is so difficult to write. I've got the bitter taste of gall in my mouth. I struggle to type every word. I've got a dozen poor excuses not to write this, and barely one reason to write. But write I must.

The jug-eared, commie, sausage-gargling, coke-snorting, tranny-marrying, brokeback, SOB, long-legged mack daddy (h/t Dr. Manning), spawn of satan has done the right thing. Way too little, and way too late, but he, and because of him this country have, alone in the world, stepped up to the plate to try to stop at least one incident in the Christian genocide. I had no doubt that it would be the USA which would step up, somehow and probably despite the "occupy DC" government. I am stunned that Ohamas answered the call.

We are moving, a little, to stop the cockroaches from massacring civilians solely because they don't/won't/can't follow some twisted interpretation of religion. It could have been done sooner, easier, with way less pain to all the innocent victims, when the dark mob was moving, like a sea of sewage, across the empty deserts from town to city, and with no collateral damage. Smeared them like bugs under heel. In the desert, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. From the air, plane or missile. It didn't happen; no one stepped up. That's sad history now, but its the past. Now is now, and now its our country which is the only one tossing a life preserver to a forsaken group who have fled to a barren mountain, with neither food nor water, but with evil jackals at the base waiting for them to come back down. Poor souls who, by report, have begun to kill their own children, as an alternative to starvation, death by dehydration, or to letting them fall into the hands of the death cult. Imagine that for a second.

So, as much as it pains me, I feel compelled to publicly do the right thing. Thank you, BHO, you scumbag, douchebag, sack of shit, for doing the right thing this one time. For a brief second, you are acting like an American, like a man.

Well, that wasn't so bad. Kind of like the moment of calm after you've taken a huge dump.

Just sayin'.