Haven't seen anything written about this, but it seems to make some sad sense to me.

The criminal flow of aliens continues at the border, and there has been some mention of the tough time that the illegals have in transit. However, I do not recall seeing anything about another likely fate of some, if not many, of the uncounted who are trying to break into our country. In this regard they are truly victims, but the MSM and the conniving politicians seem silent, perhaps because the only way to stop this silent tragedy is to cut off the river of humanity at its various sources.

There is a significant amount of human slavery still ongoing in Mexico and the rest of Central America. While we are, for the most part, aware that sex slavery is, and has been, a problem, equally chilling is kidnapping for forced labor. What better target-rich environment for slavers than uncounted, unnamed and untracked individuals?

There is an irony that it is acknowledged that the cartels are involved in moving many of the would-be border jumpers. Can we believe that these monstrous organizations are confining their role to moving people, like Greyhound or Yellow Cab? Can we believe that they are not taking the clear opportunity to find sources of free labor? Even if the cartels are not involved, can we believe that these wanderers, as they pass from town to town or through the countryside, are not being victimized by locals, and for purposes other than rape and robbery?

The Mafia's Shadow in the Americas

Criminal Groups Enslaving Mexicans in Forced Labor Camps

You can bet your bottom dollar that its not a matter of "if" but rather of "how many" and that we will never know the answer.