And another thing (yeah, there's always another thing). Why are we the only country that has no right to choose who the fuck is allowed to immigrate or the laws we set down about immigration? Who the hell has forced us to submit to the notion that illegals have any right to a voice in their own legality, or are entitled to ANY special privileges, like in-state tuition, when they shouldn't even be in the flippin' state to begin with (Rick Scott, I'm looking at you!)? Why are we forced to accept the false notion that "minorities" are too stupid to get an ID card, so that they can prove that they are protected under the constitution to vote? And, think about it, who the hell are the progtards insulting with that notion? Can't ask only the ineligible, or the double voters, or the dead. They aren't gonna 'fess up. Sometimes its such a very heavy duty, like having a voter ID, to defend the constitution. Oh fucking well.

Realized I sort of misspoke in the paragraph above. We are not the only country that can't set its own rules. Rhodesia, the old Republic of South Africa (oh, sorry, they were both destroyed), the Nordic countries & western Europe & and Israel (oh, sorry, they're all under serious attack). Hey, what do all these countries have in common? Something called a Judeo-Christian heritage? Under attack. Why doesn't anyone with some power mention the "immigration rules" of the rest of the world. Fuck them all.

Just sayin'.

PS: I don't like hip-hop either.