Let me be clear. I no longer give a flying fuck if the delta smelt, or the Asian carp (sorry, that name's been changed in Minnesota, because if might offend somebody) die out in a hundred years. I want us to drill, frack, go nuclear and any other damn thing to make this country strong in the here and now. I don't care if I offend. We've stopped being at the top of the food chain, and for some damned reason, are being made the servants of those lower down. Gaea ain't my goddess. And if other countries don't like what we do, let them become the biggest, baddest, freest, most equal and most innovative in the history of the world, and THEN say something I need to listen to.

I don't believe I'm prejudiced. It's really about live and let live, the way it used to (maybe) be. If one guy wants another guys balls bouncing off his chin, I don't care. But don't push that in the schools, or in public (of course, I'm not thrilled about ugly heteros making out in public either. And I might be a little inconsistent where two hawt babes are concerned. Oh, well, I never said I was consistent). And I don't have any patience with people trying to guilt out, or law out, or shout out the majority because of "hurt feelings" or whatever. Do what the hell you want, freaks, as long as its not pushed in other people's faces, and doesn't hurt non-consensual people or animals, or make a mess that someone else has to clean up. And I'm tired of feeling pushed out of MY comfort zone by the demands of others.

No, I don't think I'm prejudiced. I don't hate because someone's gay, or ethnically/racially/religiously different. I hate assholes when they act like assholes. Equal opportunity. I really believe, as Sigmund Freud said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.