Does anyone else see the result of this vote as a death knell for an already dying Repugnant Party? The "Tea Party" wing has been overtly shunned and insulted. Will they bolt, effectively killing the GOP? I hope so. Though a new "Tea Party" party would be small to start, that's the way it is. It will be far from perfect, but certainly can't be as far from perfect as the plutocrats and careerists in control now.

Anyone who voted yes for cloture is voting for Obamacare, no matter what their later vote is. The issue, after some convolutions, is whether the later vote is for a (non-traditional) majority vote on the bill sent from the House, as Reid wants, or the tradition 60 vote majority. At 51, the tyrants win. At 60, the people stand a chance, since stripping out the defunding, by the Dems, is not allowed. Maybe. This is a snake pit, though.

P.S. Isn't it time for McCain to take his meds?