Even crack whores will take a stand and say: "No more" when they reach some certain breaking point (or so I'm told). At some point, a body's got to figure that if they scuttle some certain basic principle that they are worse than the lowest yellow dog, and will resist. Resist even if they know its a losing struggle because, when it all comes down, its better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

It seems that the Progtards and Demotards keep pitching shit and the elected Republitards keep wallowing in it. In spite of promises, in spite of their so-called principles, and in spite of the desires of their constituents. Its all about politics, its all about the next election, its all about the desire to keep their "respected" elected positions, their supposed proximity to the center of power and ability to fatten their wallets at the same time. There may be a scant handful of exceptions (Lt. Col. West comes to mind), but they are the exception, rather than the rule.

Right now there are at least two issues worthy of a no holds barred, fight-to-the-death effort on the part of those who say they represent us. And a fight on either issue would have widespread public support and even garner the fighting representatives rare words of awe and respect: "They finally found their balls."

It almost goes without saying that I consider both Obamacare and the illegal alien decriminalization efforts as fundamental blows against our Constitutional Republic. There are other issues, other outrages, but I give less priority to a fight regarding domestic spying (mainly because it is, and has been, here and no law or resolution will change that) or even gun control (because that issue, at this moment, is being vigorously and vigilantly opposed).

Our elected reprehensibles are busy cutting deals, hiding, lying about both of the issues I mentioned. These are two issues where there can be no surrender, no negotiation, no quarter given nor asked. These are two issues that, if our elected reprobates are honest, are worth going to the mat about. Government shutdown? Hell yeah, if it comes to it. Denying a quorum? Almost too easy. Spilling the beans about the dirty little secrets of opponents? In matters this important, there are no rules, there is no such thing as a fair fight. Win or lose, a thousand percent effort is needed.

I urge each of you to call your elected reptile and tell them in no uncertain terms that this is where we draw the line. Tell them your reasons to oppose these monstrosities and that, if they don't stand up and make it clear that they will fight against these two, they will not only be voted out, or embarrassed out, at the first opportunity, but that the label of traitor will follow them into post-public life. Of course, if they are already standing tall, make sure they know that you will stand with them.

And then, get two, three, five other people to do the same.