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Escaping Home!
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- Published: 11-03-2013, 01:51 AM
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Troubling Times Lie Ahead Of Us All
What follows is my opinion on where we stand and where we, as a nation, may be heading. It is in no way a call to, or endorsement of violence in any form.
I think it's finally time to write this article, though I truly do not relish what I'm about to say here. As a writer I spend a lot time doing research. Most of what I study I refer to as modern or recent history. Much of which is still being wrote as you read this article. Pl...-
Channel: Angery American
08-31-2016, 04:25 PM -
Personal survival kit, pocket tin or PSk, we call it a lot of things but in the end it's the same. A small kit we assemble with what we consider bare minimums, usually in a tin of some sort to assist in a real life survival situation. What that means to me may be different to you, what I consider a must have may not be on your list or may be given a lower priority. While the categories we look to provide a leg up in are the same, food, water, fire and shelter, how we all get there is goi...
Channel: Angery American
04-10-2015, 12:29 AM -
If you're like me you carry a knife everyday, sometimes more than one. If I leave home and forget my blade nine times out of ten I turn around to go get it! I simply cannot imagine not having my knife. I have numerous knives, if we lived in England they'd call it an arsenal, but each has its place. Like a lady picking out jewelry to go with her outfit I select the correct blade for the days activities. That finely machined piece of carbon steel, sometimes stainless but not too often, is like a friend...
Channel: Angery American
11-30-2014, 06:47 PM -
Here is the next installment about Morgan's bag. We'll cover a few of the items contained in it this time. Before we do though I want to say a little something about the gear. There have been many comments made about some of the items listed in the book, we'll cover one of the most controversial today. For anyone who prepares such a pack and keeps it handy most have an idea of what they are preparing for. The list of possible scenarios are endless. For me, I simply prepare, whether it's a brea...
Channel: Angery American
01-12-2014, 02:44 PM -
It's been a long time in coming and there has certainly been a lot of talk about it, but now we're going to take a look at the contents of Morgan's pack as carried in Going Home. This will be a series of articles as one will not cover it all. I will go into detail about the equipment carried and why. This should be interesting as there has been a lot of talk about the contents of the pack. Additionally, I'll link to a thread on the forum where you can go and follow the discussion and comment. ...
Channel: Angery American
01-04-2014, 04:31 PM -
It is now out! Not only are the Kindle and paperbacks available, but this time the audiobook released at the same time. So now you can pick your poison, or buy them all! I hope everyone enjoys the third volume in the series. Get yours today!
Channel: Angery American
11-03-2013, 01:51 AM -